A new year dawns, and typically this is when most people's thoughts start to veer away from the generally good times of the holiday season. Alas, rather than continue the frivolity and good spirits, they turn to more serious thoughts. You know, something along the lines of New Year's resolutions, preparing for tax season and/or committing to jog off those holiday pounds they've gained.
But, wait a sec... Who says that quality family time has to stop when the holidays end?
Well, The Paramount sure doesn't. In fact, the 2011-2012 season rings in the new year with a very special treat. As a part of the Majestic Series during this season, they are bringing in a dose of wholesome fun. A live show that possesses universal appeal, as well as a possible fanged creature or two. Worry not, my dear readers. There's nothing to be afraid of, since the whole show will be under the supervision of one of the world's best known zookeepers: Jack Hanna.
Hanna is a veteran in zoological circles, and his media appearances have paved the way for the likes of later TV animal experts like Jeff Corwin and the late Steve Irwin. Jack's live animal showcases on television have made him readily identifiable over the decades, and introduced millions to groups of interesting beasts. Or should I instead say... flocks? Herds? Packs? Prides? Gaggles? Eh, well, you get the idea. Regardless of the terminology, the point is that he's displayed lots and lots of critters.
And, I might as well come right out and say it.
I love watching this guy and his parade of animals. It's simply great entertainment to see Hanna on a talk show. For example, he's been a staple on The Late Show with David Letterman for years. Heck, even going all the way back to the NBC days.
As the years went on, their hair may have gone white, but the energy is still there. The mix of Jack's goofy charm, Dave's wit, and majestic creatures is gold. Of course, sometimes the zoological guests can generate quite a different response...
You just never know what critters Jack Hanna will show up with. Just ask Ellen DeGeneres as she encounters pre-simians, gators, and owls.
No matter what, it's always a treat when the parade of animals makes an appearance. Jack Hanna will bring his gang of four-legged friends (or if snakes are present, no-legged friends) to The Paramount this January. Bring your friends, bring your family, and bring your enthusiasm. Few people have made exposure to different species both entertaining and enlightening like he does.
I have no idea what critters will make an appearance, but I wouldn't miss it for the world. Just between you and me, I'll have no issues with snakes if any come along for the show. But if he brings out any freakin' scorpions, I'll scream like a 6 year-old girl. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the scorpion.
Either way, I'll be ready to gape and gasp at whatever Jack and his live show have to offer. With all apologies to Tony the Tiger... it's gonna be grrrrrrr-eat.
Jack Hanna and his furry companions hit The Paramount Theatre on Saturday, January 28th at 2:00 p.m.