As we usher in December, the Christmas gears are spinning like clockwork. 'Tis the season for colder weather, warmer wishes and a plethora of holiday traditions. Things like: families, stockings, chestnuts, Rudolph and Frosty. Yes, everywhere one looks there are reminders of what this season is about:
The Paramount Theatre will be offering many holiday themed shows over the coming weeks, each with their own unique spin on December celebrations. Among the festivities are those by Michael Martin Murphey, Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison, and Asleep at the Wheel. Yet there is a one man show coming to grace the stage, and is guaranteed to present a holiday event unlike any other. And that man is...
John Waters, of course.
Wait, what?!?
John Waters, the pencil-mustached film director, is... how shall we say... an interesting choice to host a live Christmas show. I mean, this is a man so unconventional and outlandish that he makes Tim Burton look like Newt Gingrich. Waters has been a film maker since the 1970s, but he certainly isn't a part of the New Hollywood wave of Coppola, Scorsese, De Palma, Spielberg or Lucas. His movies were more underground, shocking audiences with content and quickly attaining a cult following. He and his motley crew made some memorable sleazy flicks during this period, including the so-called "Trashy Trilogy" of Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble and Desperate Living.
In many ways, he is a crusader for bad taste itself. But there is a method to his madness. Allow him to explain...
Ever the champion for filthy yet personable characters, Waters has always pushed the boundaries of censorship. As he grew more mainstream his films grew less controversial, yet John never abandoned his idiosyncratic style.
Hmmm. Now that I think about it... Considering how Christmas attitudes have skewed from genuine goodwill to crass commercialism, perhaps John Waters isn't such a bizarre choice for a Christmas show, after all. After all, he is a big fan of the holiday. Don't believe it? Then give this a listen. It's his deliberately facetious view of the most wonderful time of the year.
With this in mind, I can think of no other person to shine a new light on how I view Christmas. I mean, who better to sift the tinsel from the trash than John Waters? Here is a man who needs no reason for his season. He keeps it weird.
Now where ever have I heard that before?

Oh, yes. This is shaping up to be one Christmas show we won't soon forget.
John Waters will have himself a Merry Little Christmas at The Paramount Theatre on Friday, December 2 at 8:00 p.m.