Why, hello there, November. You sure took your time getting here this year. Thanks for your lackadaisical ushering in of cold fronts that bring the temperature plummeting. Okay, well, maybe it's not cold. Cool, maybe. Would you believe, Cool...ish? Anyways, as central Texas temperatures drop into the 60s, we can all dust off our Snuggies in hopes of using them... next month. Oh, and while I'm at it, thanks also for turning out the lights. You know, the whole daylight savings thing that for some reason I can't quite adjust to this year.
Alright, November. Perhaps I am being a little hard on you. After all, you also bring unwavering traditions. Christmas creep has penetrated our stores, thoughts of turkeys and pies fill our brains, and Texas and Texas A&M will continue to tussle for eternity just as they always have... Oh... wait. As Rick Perry so eloquently said recently (after 50 seconds of agony), "oops."
Well fear not, my fellow Texans. It's not all about holiday blues. In fact, this month brings one more tradition that continues to endure every holiday season: Tuna. That's right. I said tuna.
Having nothing to do with Charlie the Tuna or any other aquatic cuisine, "A Tuna Christmas" is a farcical play created by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard. Set in the fictional town of "Tuna" (proudly proclaimed as the "third-smallest in Texas"), the play revolves around the community's annual Christmas Yard Display Contest, a wayward vandal, family strife, and a frustrating attempt to stage a production of "A Christmas Carol."
The twenty-plus roles in the play, and all help the audience paint a mental picture of what Tuna, TX is really like. Each is distinct, and yet readily identifiable to anyone who's ever been in a podunk town in the Lone Star state. Funny? Yes, but here's the truly entertaining part. Everyone one of these roles is played by Williams and Sears. That's right.
The twenty-plus roles in the play, and all help the audience paint a mental picture of what Tuna, TX is really like. Each is distinct, and yet readily identifiable to anyone who's ever been in a podunk town in the Lone Star state. Funny? Yes, but here's the truly entertaining part. Everyone one of these roles is played by Williams and Sears. That's right.
It's like some mad math equation:
2 guys + 24 roles x lightning fast costume changes + comedic wit = entertainment gold.
Brewed right here in Austin and performed by many across the country, the play constantly tours the country. Extolling the virtues (and shortcomings) of tiny Tuna, TX, the performances yield laughs that spread like a contagion of silliness. And as a holiday treat each year, the original cast of Williams and Sears bring it back for a homecoming reception by the Austin crowds. Now it's as much of a November tradition as eating way too many starches on Thanksgiving, watching the Cowboys on TV, and being underwhelmed by Black Friday newspaper ads.
So come to Paramount and help yourself to something that won't disappoint.
Tuna. It's what's for Christmas.
Tuesday, November 22 at 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 23 at 8:00 p.m.
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